Thursday, 17 November 2016

This one isn't depressing!!!

Right, I'm sat in grand central station on my way back from another little London adventure. I thought I'd sit and write this post instead of feeling sorry for myself during my usual London withdrawal symptoms! I'm sat in joe and the juice, awesome place that make a cracking coffee and you can be nosey and people watch everyone running around beneath you. Great fun! It's quite a 'cool' place I think and I had a good laugh with the barista who heard 'Fran' as 'Fred' I should have played it out! He shouted out my name for the coffee and oh god I'm pretty sure I did a 'trying to be cool wink'... I need to get out more clearly it's tragic. So yes'm in a comedic mood, I've had to force myself to be this week as there have been some significant dates I've been trying not to have a melt down over. I've avoided it so far with the help of a giant porn star martini and some good company. We had a great time at the 99 comedy club in Leicester Square, a great night out I can highly recommend. The most I have laughed in ages it was a welcome change! Our hotel was... Interesting, good old travelodge next to a giant building site. I must have slept okay as apparently I have started talking in my sleep. This is very worrying particularly because I was apparently banging on about an award from an English teacher (not a clue) I guess I could have been talking about stranger things. I still surprise myself with my oddness. Off to psychology tomorrow and I'll see if I can catch out my psychologist again. It's great fun as she isn't meant to ask questions... It becomes a game to me to catch her off guard and trick her into a random conversation. (Simple things hey) then off to Oxford/ Hogwarts to see my bestie. She cracks me up all the time by how brutally honest she is. She won't mind when sharing part of our conversation, she said 'I'm glad you just look fat now and not on a load of drugs' love her! Sometimes... I'm going to leave this blog short and sweet as it's actually not depressing for once! Mixing it up... Love to you all and please keep contacting me I'm loving hearing from all you 'strangers'. Your not strangers, if your reading this then you will have been in my life at some point and helped shaped my story and influence the person I am in any way, big or small. Me being

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