Saturday, 6 January 2018

Hello 2018!

I suppose I should stick to the obvious introduction of Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great Christmas, I don't know what else to say, the year of 2018 had almost seemed like a myth, a legend, when I first started writing this blog. I hadn't come up with enough material for it to last this long! Looking back at 2017 it was the most amazing year of my life so far. I finally found my feet on this earth. 2017 was the year I turned around and said no to living with cancer. I stood my ground and shouted "you Brian, are going to have to live with me!" I've flown half way around the world, swam over the barrier reef, jumped 15,000ft from the air. I've discovered new places, met new people, tried new things. I celebrated my 21st Birthday and fell in love with someone who makes me laugh not every day, but every minute. Laughter is the best cure, for anything and I am feeling absolutely great.

 I have my next MRI in a few days. After this one my doctor may move me to 6month scans rather than every 3months. To be quite honest, although this is obviously a great sign, I don't know whether I'm quite happy with this change yet. Yes it will mean that the scanxiety if less frequent, but it will strip away some of the reassurances. I'm going to have to learn to believe in myself a bit more, and keep trying to tame these phantom symptoms. I'll be one more step closer to being a "normal" person. My orthoptics tests have now been moved back to once a year rather than every few months. This is because my recent test a few day ago has shown that my eyes have not only got much stronger again, they are nearly back to normal. My double vision when looking left has almost gone and the damage that was visible in the back of my eyes, can no longer be detected. They have no idea why this is happening, but it was a great way to start the new year! I came straight home and applied for my driving license.

Its been great to do so many amazing things with friends and family over the festive period. It has been so different to last Christmas. I didn't spend the whole time under such pressure to get my last Christmas right. I intend to be around for several more. This Christmas I went searching for my decorations, only to realise that they were all mixed in with my parent's things. I soon remembered thinking that I would never need them again, thinking I was putting them in the box for the last time. Its amazing to think just how much my mindset has changed. I'm about to pack them away very neatly, so they are ready for the next one. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on Monday. Its great to be back in the classroom especially as its more fun and less paperwork than i'm used to...

I cant wait to see what else 2018 has in store for me and Brian!